In the Eastern religious point of view, the spiritual path can be a lengthy one.  Some of the scriptures say that we must undergo 5-8 million incarnations, in progressively more advanced life forms, before we can achieve a human birth (“The New Path,” by Swami Kriyananda).  After achieving a human birth, in the “Autobiography of a Yogi,” Swami Paramahansa Yogananda says it is then necessary to undergo 1 million years of cycles around the sun -- with pure and clean living -- before the nervous system naturally evolves to allow the state of God realization to unfold. (How many of our days on Earth can we say we lived purely in mind and body?  So 1 million years can turn into many million years, depending on how we live them.)

So, the spiritual path seems like a very long and difficult road, but luckily, there are means available to greatly speed up our progress and greatly shorten it’s length. Although there is no “Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment,” and true spiritual growth and progress depend upon our consistency of practice, our great patience, and our persistence, there are some amazing short-cuts which the Masters say we can all use to achieve freedom and God Realization, perhaps, even in this very lifetime!

(1) Most Important Short-cut': Find a Fully Liberated Spiritual MasterAmmachi (The Holy Mother) says if we were to do 18 hours of intense spiritual practices per day for our entire lives, it would possibly reduce the amount of lifetimes we need to incarnate in the future by less than 100, before we could ultimately reach God Realization.  But Ammachi further explains that by just becoming Her student, She will lovingly take on 90 % of our karmic burden, and this will take away more than 1000 lives we would otherwise have to live to attain Liberation, which could perhaps make God Realization possible in this vey life! 

(2) Perform Practices Recommended By A Spiritual Master
             (a)Integrated Amrita Meditation technique (IAM technique) -
                 Ammachi says it may be possible to reach God Realization more quickly
                 through dedicated and devoted practice of this technique.  It combines
meditation, certain yoga stretches, breathing, and visualization methods
all in one. It is taught free, on-line, several times per month.

           (b) Kriya Yoga – Taught through ‘Self Realization Fellowship’ (SRF)-
                 This particular technique was handed down through the lineage of
Paramahansa Yogananda, and is given to students after a period of study
of the SRF weekly lessons series, and deepening meditation practice.  It
greatly purifies the subtle nervous system, and brings the mind to one
pointedness, and our attention fully Godward.  Yogananda says using
Kriya Yoga can make God Realization possible in just 1 lifetime! There
are many “teachers” claiming to offer “kriya yoga,” however many of
these offerings do not reflect the purity of the SRF lineage teachings
For more information see…

(c)  Mantra Recitation – Many masters say that in this current age,
                 repeating a mantra is the fastest path for most disciples to God
                 Realization. Initiation must be obtained from a Liberated Spiritual
                 Masters, who energizes the Mantra while literally planting a seed of
                 their own Divine Energy into the disciple when initiation is given.
Regular practice of using this mantra will quiet the mind, help burn
our karma, tune us into the Divine frequency (like we tune-in a radio
station), and lead us to God within.

          (d) ‘Darshan’ With A Spiritual Master – Darshan, or Divine Blessings, can
be given by a Master via a touch, a glance, or a thought directed toward
                 us. Ammachi says that a single blessing hug from Her can be worth up
                 to 10 years of our own intense spiritual practices!  Even on-line, we are
                 able to obtain such blessings if we participate in programs with a
                 Spiritual Master. For information about such opportunities see…

(e) Seva – Selfless or Dedicated Service, will attract instant Divine
blessings, if performed to help an Enlightened Spiritual Master, their
organization, or programs which they have set up to help humanity.
Purely performing such selfless service (Karma Yoga), alone, has been
deemed a direct path to dissolve the ego and attain God Realization. 

              (f) Doing ‘Clearing’ Practices – Ammachi says 5 minutes of crying can be
                   worth hours of meditation.  While most meditation methods try to
transcend and ‘by-pass’ the mind — and go above our emotional pain
and upsets — crying, venting, and certain practices which release pain,
worry, and fear, actually work to cleanse and transform the mind. This
reduces our emotional and karmic burdens. Young children set an
inspiring example for us, by being able to fully vent their upsets and
in minutes, return to a state of lightheartness and joy. At no other stage
of life is our natural rate of growth faster. Few meditation processes
alone can truly transform the mind, but some do, especially if performed
with the blessings and guidance of a Spiritual Master.

I have also developed many self-help simple practices for clients to
introduce them to an ‘adult way’ to quickly vent their burdens — just like
we used to do naturally when we were children. This helps adults to let
go of their pain and problems, remove blocks, and find greater peace, joy,
and love in the midst of life’s challenges and relationships.

              (g) Meditation – meditation, or processes to still or transcend the mind,
                   can help us go above our problems and feel immediate Divine
                   Communion and bliss.  Meditation reminds us that happiness comes
                   from within, and thus we lose more and more of our attachments to
needing and depending on fulfilment from outer things and people.
This new found inner fountain of bliss helps us to intensify our spiritual
desire and search, bringing about a greater freedom and detachment
needed to grow more quickly spiritually.

(h) Pujas and Homas (Fire Ceremonies) – these rituals, especially done
                    in the presence of a Spiritual Master, or with their blessings and
strictly according to their instructions, can reduce our Karma and bring
rapid blessings to our lives.  Sri Karunamayi explains that if Fire
rituals and ceremonies are undertaken without a Master’s
blessings, and without special intensive training, there can be a
lot of adverse effects to us and the planet.

              (i) “Goddgames” – these are video experiences for us to use, created by a great
Enlightened Master, E.J. Gold.  They are fun to engage with, and they act like
‘virtual pujas’ and can reduce our Karma, bring physical healing, and bring
blessings and prosperity for our spiritual and material lives.  For more
information, please read my post or go to His website:

(3) SPIRITUAL ‘NO-BRAINERS’ -  Wearing blessed items, sacred beads, or astrological gemstones, are a more passive and helpful way to speed through our karma, and move forward on the spiritual path, with little to no effort!

             (a)  Blessed objects from a Spiritual Master – if we are fortunate
                    enough to have an item blessed by a Master, it’s effects will work on us
                    daily as we wear it.  Some items have a healing effect, some have a
                    karma reducing effect, and some keep us on our path and protect us
                    from undesirable influences.  It is a rare opportunity to be able to
receive a blessed object like this, and we don’t know exactly what
                    blessing a Master will give. There is one Spiritual Master, however,
by the name of E.J. Gold who offers blessed “Amulets” on-line,
whose properties & blessings you can actually pick and choose!

              (b) Astrological Gemstones – Having a vedic astrological reading can be very
valuable. A good vedic astrologer can rec0mmend certain pujas, practices, and
gemstones which could aid us on our spiritual path. Certain gemstones of a
particular type, size, and quality have been recommended in Vedic Astrology
to help mitigate negative influences from the planets over the course of our
lives.  Such gemstones should be recommended by well trained and
                     intuitive Vedic astrologer, after having carefully analyzed our charts.
                    Inexpensive and very accurate readings can be obtained through the
                     following link to Ammachi’s website:

              (c) Statues, Icons, & Yantras -  placing blessed statues in our homes,
                    Yantras (sacred symbols), and holy items can bring spiritual upliftment,
                    cleansing, and protection to our day-to-day living spaces. 

(d) Wearing sacred beads — Rudraksha, Sandalwood, & Lotus Seeds
Certain seeds of plants and trees are known for their deeply healing,
spiritual, and transformative effects when worn on our bodies. They
have been written about in the scriptures of India for thousands of
years, and their properties and value are expounded upon even today by
world-renowned spiritual masters. When worn next to the skin, they
exert their greatest influence.

(e) Consuming Blessed Food (Prasad), Holy Ash, & Holy Water -
 Taking consecrated food from temples, churches, and holy
ceremonies can confer wonderful spiritual blessings. Also saying
a mantra while preparing our food or a prayer before eating it, can
help purify us. Blessed items, including sacred ash (Vibhuti) and
holy water — blessed by a Master or a ceremony — can also purify
and uplift us, remove karma, and even physical and emotional
pain and disease.

Short Cut Miracle Stories

There are a lot of miracle stories of Spiritual Masters conferring tremendous boons which shorten the paths of their devotees, or even people who they seemed to have just casually encountered. In the biography of Sri Swaminarayan, an Indian saint of the 18th century, there are frequent tales of Him granting liberation and/or enlightenment experiences to people who — perhaps merely just brought Him a glass of water — along His pilgrimmage across India.

At Sri Ramana Maharshi’s ashram, there are ‘samadhi shrines’ commemorating the enlightenment He bestowed not only upon His mother, but also suprisingly even upon certain animals which lived their lives on the ashram grounds! Such stories illustrate the incredible blessing potential possible by just having contact with a fully God Realized being. Saint Padre Pio often referred to Himself as “Jesus’ donkey.” While most people considered this statement to be the saint just humbling Himself, Swami Shivananda of Italy explained that Padre Pio attained sainthood by having actually been Jesus’ donkey!

Amma Sri Karunamayi
often gives hints and offers for amazing ‘short cuts’ in some of Her discourses during programs She conducts world-wide. Once She indicated that if were to purchase a ‘jade meru Sri Chakra’ which had been blessed at the Fire Puja that day, just by keeping it in our home, it would grant us the boon of this being our last life!

3-D ‘Meru’ Jade Sri Chakra

I think the cost of the Sri Chakra was about $375 which included sponsorship for this charity event, but I saw only a few people run to get one ;-).

At another one of Sri Karunamayi’s programs, a 10 day event (Maha Yagnam) which included daily Fire Ceremonies, Pujas, and prayer, She offered people a rare opportunity to make a charitable donation to purchase the holy water which had been blessed over the course of the entire event. She said it now contained the equivalent blessing of having done 2.4 billion lengthy prayer ceremonies, and that pouring it over your head would grant you liberation in this life. The cost was $250 for one vessel, and She made them available even to those people who didn’t attend all 10 days of the program, however I saw several people in the audience still decide not to purchase this…

There is another great Enlightened spiritual master who offers ‘Shaktipat’ initiation both in person and at times, in-absentia. Her name is Sri Anandi Ma. I personally underwent this initiation, and it was one of the most powerful experiences I ever felt of energy transmission. I experienced a feeling of lightning was coursing through my whole body. She explained that this blessing unlocks the dormant energy at the base of our spine, and it will result in our being able to achieve God Realization within this life, or within our next 3 lives. Anandi Ma says it is recommended for people from all backgrounds, no matter what spiritual path they are on, and no matter which Master they follow. Please see this link for more information:

So, I believe Spiritual Masters come into our world as great Saints and Enlightened Teachers, to help uplift us, and free us from the burdens we are carrying, and the challenges involved in walking the spiritual path to eventually reach freedom. Ammachi has said we are all on such a spiritual path, the difference is only the speed in which we are traveling — we can move along at an ox cart rate of progress, or at the speed of a jet airplane. I hope some of these ‘short cuts’ will lighten our loads, help us grow more quickly, and that we can all have the greatest fortune of all, which is coming to find and accept the help of a fully Liberated Enlightened Spiritual Master!

Michael Ackerman

Michael Ackerman is a medical intuitive, distance healer, and retired chiropractic doctor with 38 yrs experience. He works with clients in the US and world-wide.

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