Finding The Secret Key To Healing Part 1
What is The Secret Key to Healing & Happiness? It wasn't until moving to India and living in the ashram of my Spiritual Teacher (Ammachi) that I began to realize that there was perhaps something wrong with the most basic assumptions and approach I had about the spiritual path.
Finding The Secret Key To Healing Part 2
Most of us have forgotten what it feels like to live in our true innocence and the inner light & natural joy we see in children.
“Meeting My Mother” - A Story Of Healing Thru My First Meetings With “Ammachi”
How I met “Ammachi” (The Holy Mother) in the USA in 1990 and deeply spiritual experiences which followed during my first stay in India.
Opportunities For Daily Blessings & Darshan
During the pandemic, many Enlightened Spiritual Teachers began offering daily or weekly opportunities online to receive the highest blessings available to us in this human life: “Darshan”
How To Quickly Burn Karma?
How setting different healing goals and using different methods for spiritual and emotional “clearing” result in vastly different speeds of progress on the spiritual path.
“I’m So Confused… What Should I Do?” Is not an uncommon question in a healing practice.
I often have people come to me requesting healing work who are in a state of some confusion. So I thought it might be helpful to explain a concept which could bring about a lot of clarity on our paths, and often provide hope and a renewed sense of direction.
Consulting Psychics About Our Future
“Do you think it’s a good idea to consult pyschics about the future?” was a question posed to me recently by a healing client. Here is my answer…
Developing Psychic and Intuitive Powers
Psychic and intuitive abilities are “powers”. Just like a sharp intellect, athletic prowess, musical talent, or artistic abilities are also gifts and “powers” which people have to varying degrees. If we seek to achieve any of these in greater measure, it’s best if we have pure intentions of using these gifts for the upliftment of ourselves and the world.
Food For Thought: Do Our Thoughts & Prayers Really Affect Our Food?
Another name for the undigestible experiences we have in life is PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress. Generally all experiences where we have had difficulty assimilating, processing, digesting, fully resolving, and releasing trauma remain with us as burdens — and they accumulate over time. So, if we can avoid eating food which adds to our unconscious emotional load, wouldn't that be a good thing?
Spritual Materialism v. Spiritual Freedom… Which Path Am I On?
Spiritual materialsm is the path of seeking to create a more perfect world. Spiritual freedom is the path of learning to find perfection and beauty in what is. How to proceed?
Positivity = Higher Consciousness or High & Unconscious?
I've had the following discussion with a number of clients, especially when I'm trying to introduce shadow work and the principles of healing to people who have engaged in a life-long habit of trying to "STAY POSITIVE".
The Mysterious Attraction Of Guilt
Guilt, self-judgment, and shame are some of the first things I work on when clients approach me for healing work. Why is guilt so hard to let go of? What is the mysterious attraction that it has, causing us to hold on to it so tightly?
Who Wants Detachment Anyway?
A truly detached person is not someone who is experiencing “indifference” or a kind of “emptiness” inside, instead he or she probably has a face with a radiant smile!
What Is Ego?
There is a lot of confusion around the term “Ego,” both in the East and in the West. Many people equate the term “Ego” with “Pride.” However, the actual notion of Ego goes far beyond such simple definitions. Understanding what Ego is can help us understand the path to freedom from its bondage — our Spiritual Path.
Are All Yoga Postures Beneficial?
Spiritual healing can begin with addressing the health of our bodies, which often hold a lot of past trauma, usually percieved in the form of tension and stiffness. Here are some hints for safe ways to begin to address this through yoga!
Stomach Sleeping -- Perhaps Your Back’s Worst Nightmare!
If you have complaints of fatigue, headaches, neck stiffness, shoulder problems, dizziness, tingling or numbness in the arms, asthma, thyroid issues, vision or hearing problems, or even recurring colds and sore throats, an essential but little-known first step is to discontinue stomach sleeping!
More Reasons To Quit Smoking—Even at “Your Age”
The stop smoking benefits are great. They're even greater if you stop smoking at a young age. But just because you are getting a little older, it doesn't mean there are no benefits for you. Consider this for a moment...
The Untold Risks of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Tylenol and Similar Pain Relieving Drugs
Volunteering Opportunities Which Will Amaze You!
Oftentimes, in addition to healing work, the best prescription I can give to others to help them out of depression or a stagnant lifestyle, is for them to try some form of activity which engages them in helping others.