Food For Thought: Do Our Thoughts & Prayers Really Affect Our Food?

I thought I would share an unusual encounter I had at a restaurant yesterday. I hope it can positively impact everyone!

I ordered a "vegetarian wrap" at a Mexican restaurant for lunch while vacationing in Whistler, Canada. It's appearance was great, the restaurant was very nice, and I even found it tasted good.

There was one problem, however -- I barely could eat it! Even after saying grace and praying over the food as I usually do, I found it extremely difficult to digest the energy I felt in the food. Whatever upset the cook was 'stewing' over, permeated the food, and it was like experiencing world war III in my mouth and stomach, even at first bite. (I’m extremely sensitive to energy, but whether aware or not, we all are effected by the food we eat on many levels.)

My first bite took me a bit by surprise, but eventually I recognized my reaction was due to an ‘energy’ problem, versus a physical problem with the food itself. So I continued to try to eat it, deeming the moment as an opportunity and a divine test for me, to clear whatever in me was being triggered by the ‘hard to digest’ vibrations in the food. From my experience as a healer, I was able to use various techniques to face and move through the issues which affected both the cook and myself — but it was a hell of a time for a while!

My Teacher Ammachi recommends that whenever we are engaged in food preparation, that our minds be focused on Divine and loving thoughts. At the ashram in India and during Amma’s programs, we are encouraged to be engaged in prayer, chanting mantras, and treating food preparation as a sacred form of selfless service to others. The conscious and unconscious mental vibations in us truly get transferred to the food we handle, and if we are upset or anxious while preparing food, it will make it very hard for others — and even us, later — to digest the food.

Amma has also explained that restauranteurs who are primarily thinking about profit and their own selfish gain can transmit these feelings unconsciously into us. We become what we eat, and such traits are assimilated by us. Absorbing such undesirable emotional vibrations and thought patterns can create lasting energetic blocks within us which are difficult to unravel, resulting in undesirable effects on our mental and physical constitution.

Another name for the undigestible experiences we have in life is PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress. Generally all experiences which we have had difficulty assimilating, processing, digesting, fully resolving, and releasing remain with us as burdens which accumulate over time. So, if we can avoid eating food which adds to our unconscious emotional load, it is indeed a good thing!

To continue our discussion of how our thoughts and feelings effect food, objects, and people around us, here are some amazing findings from research conducted about 20 years ago, on the effects that thoughts and emotions have on water alone.

This incredible discovery was first shared with the world by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the book, “Hidden Messages From Water” (2005). He studied how the molecular structure of water was visibly changed by human emotions and thought! He published a series of photographs of how ice crystalized differently, when water was exposed to Words, Photos, Music, and Prayer.

Dr. Emoto did experiments by holding a glass of water and speaking words out loud, or taping paper with written words to water containers, after which he would then freeze the water and view the water crystals under a microscope. Words of Love, Joy, and Hope created bright aesthetically beautiful crystals. Words of Fear and Hatred created contorted and crystals.

More amazing photos

More amazing crystal photos can be found here:

There are also many beautiful videos on Youtube explaining the story of Masaru Emoto's work, and several subsequent books that he published.

Some of his discoveries included the impact that prayer has over polluted water. He showed us that we have the power to create a vibration of love and change toxicity. Even prayer at a distance was discovered to affect water after 2000 people praying in Tokyo were found to have a scientifically proven effect on water samples held in an electromagnetically shielded room in California!

So, here is viewable visible evidence that our thoughts, feelings, and prayers do affect even inanimate objects around us! If such affects are so clearly visible in water, imagine how our state of mind affects the food we prepare. With this new understanding, we can begin making an effort to positively affect others — and especially our own body and mind — by bringing consicousness to our cooking. In addition to trying to eat a more healthy diet, such awareness and care in food preparation can have a beautiful impact on our deeper well being, and the well being of those who eat our food.

Michael Ackerman

Michael Ackerman is a medical intuitive, distance healer, and retired chiropractic doctor with 38 yrs experience. He works with clients in the US and world-wide.

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