Stomach Sleeping -- Perhaps Your Back’s Worst Nightmare!
Michael Ackerman Michael Ackerman

Stomach Sleeping -- Perhaps Your Back’s Worst Nightmare!

If you have complaints of fatigue, headaches, neck stiffness, shoulder problems, dizziness, tingling or numbness in the arms, asthma, thyroid issues, vision or hearing problems, or even recurring colds and sore throats, an essential but little-known first step is to discontinue stomach sleeping!

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More Reasons To Quit Smoking—Even at “Your Age”
Michael Ackerman Michael Ackerman

More Reasons To Quit Smoking—Even at “Your Age”

The stop smoking benefits are great. They're even greater if you stop smoking at a young age. But just because you are getting a little older, it doesn't mean there are no benefits for you. Consider this for a moment...

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Volunteering Opportunities Which Will Amaze You!
Michael Ackerman Michael Ackerman

Volunteering Opportunities Which Will Amaze You!

Oftentimes, in addition to healing work, the best prescription I can give to others to help them out of depression or a stagnant lifestyle, is for them to try some form of activity which engages them in helping others.

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